Course curriculum

    1. Who is a Third Party?

    2. Lets understand a very familiar scenario

    3. What is wrong with a Traditional Vendor Risk Framework?

    4. Global Outsourcing Regulations

    5. Some Real Life Scenarios

    1. Third Party Risk Management Defined

    2. Why Third Party Risks are Risky

    3. Challenges of Vendor Risk Management in India

    4. Outsourcing Risk OCC Guidelines

    1. TPRM Building Blocks

    2. Vendor Inventory

    3. Vendor Profiling

    4. Who should run TPRM?

    5. Concept of 4th party

    6. Integration of TRPM with ERM

    7. Before Conducting Vendor Due Diligence / Annual Assessment Sheets

    8. Automating Vendor Risk Management is Essential

    1. Fraud Threat and intentional wrongdoings POST COVID-19

    2. TPRM Survey by Venminder

    3. 3 Ways To Improve Board-Level Focus on Third-Party Risk Management

    1. Additional Reading

    2. Videos for Reference

    3. Reference Articles/Report

    4. Third Party Risk Management

    5. Riskpro Brochure

    6. About Riskpro

    7. Thank You

    1. Please Share Your Feedback

About this course

  • Free
  • 28 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content