Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. What is Fraud?

    3. Types of Fraud

    4. Why Do Frauds Happen?

    5. Fraud and the Law

    6. Fraud Statistics

    1. Internal Auditing’s Role in Fraud Investigations

    2. Internal Audit Responsibilities During Audit Engagement

    1. Roles & Responsibilities in Fraud Prevention/Detection

    2. Fraud Risk Assessment

    3. Fraud Investigation

    4. Fraud Management: Good Practices

    1. Harshad Mehta and the Stock Market scam (1992)

    2. Nirav Modi and The Punjab National Bank Fraud

    3. The Satyam Computers Scam

    4. Ketan Parekh and the Stock Market Scam (2001)

    5. Saradha Scam

    1. Additional Reading

    2. External Links / Reference Material

    3. Riskpro Video

    4. Riskpro Brochure

    5. About Riskpro

    6. Thank You

    1. Please Share Your Feedback

    2. Conclusion

About this course

  • Free
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content