Course curriculum

    1. History of Risk Management

    2. Information Risk Management

    3. Why is information risk management important?

    1. Purpose of Information Risk Management

    1. IRM Process

    1. Know Your IT Environment and Assets

    2. Develop a Robust Risk Management Strategy

    3. Embed Risk Management into Your Culture and Values

    4. Risk Assessments Must be Adaptive, Continuous, and Actionable

    5. Enforce Strict Security Protocols

    6. Real-time and Reliable Visibility is Necessary

    1. What is IRM framework?

    2. The Benefits of an IRM Framework

    1. Additional Reading

    2. External Links / Reference Material

    3. Riskpro Video

    4. Riskpro Brochure

    5. About Riskpro

    6. Thank You

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content