Course curriculum

    1. Business Resilience-Definition

    2. Every business strives for perpetual existence

    3. Average composition of an organization includes

    4. Building resilience is amongst best practices but there are challenges

    1. The key components of a business case for business continuity

    2. Definition-Business Impact Analysis

    3. Business Impact Analysis

    4. List down organizational dependencies

    5. Dependency Structure Matrix

    6. Understanding Organizational Context

    7. Organization Chart-Who is who?

    8. List down Special Requirements

    9. Geographical Spread of business -boundaries

    1. Business Resilience always is a top down initiative

    2. Understand the IT infrastructure

    3. Understand the services from vendors and consultants

    4. Understand the legal & regulatory landscape

    1. ISO 22301 for business continuity applies the PDCA model to processes

    2. PDCA is Plan Do Check Act

    3. Study the business impact factors

    4. Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) & Recovery Point Objectives (RPO)

    5. Determining Recovery Objectives

    6. Maximum Tolerable Period of Disruption (MTPOD)

    1. Different Methods for Impact Analysis

    2. Points to be considered after BIA exercise

    3. Analytical Methods in BIA


    5. Threat Impact Analysis-a preclude to risk assessment

    6. Organization of BCMS Team

    7. A good BIA strategy leads to good business resilience in the organization

    8. Securing Business by annual business impact analysis and risk assessment exercise

    1. Additional Reading

    2. Riskpro Video

    3. Riskpro Brochure

    4. About Riskpro

    5. Thank You

About this course

  • Free
  • 37 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content