Certified Global Compliance Specialist

Prove your Compliance Knowledge

Benefits of the certification include.
1. A mechanism for you to be up to date exposing you to global compliances.
2. A tangible certification to reflect on your resume.
3. A change to learn about emerging compliance requirements, a domain that is growing rapidly with several high paying jobs.

Overview of Courses

Please read below a brief overview of each of the courses covered in this certification

HIPAA Course Overview

This course provides an overview on HIPAA, the HIPAA Rules, explains what is protected health information, business associates and covered entities, Important Points for Organizations & Employees, important guidelines and case studies and examples

Overview of Anti-Money Laundering

The course talks about Money laundering as an offence, terrorist financing and how to mitigate it using KYC and more.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Overview

This course provides an overview on Anti Bribery and Anti-Corruption, explains about the standard ISO 37001, Do's and Don'ts. The course also explains the Prevention of Corruption [Amendment] At, 2018 and also gives the guidelines.

Overview of SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements (LODR)

This course covers overview of SEBI LODR, Regulations, Common Obligations, Board of Directors and Committees, Compliances, Penalties and Prosecution for better understanding of the LODR regulations.

Overview of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

This course provides an overview of FCPA, it explains the scope, provisions, applicability, and penalties mentioned under the act. It also covers the case study of the act.

Prevention of Insider Trading Overview

This course gives you a basic overview of Insider Trading explaining concepts like Unpublished price sensitive inform, SEBI Regulations of Insider Trading in terms of recent updates and highlights Case Studies on Insider Trading.

GDPR Overview

The course will provide an overview on GDPR, its Principles, Data Subject Rights, Responsibilities of Controllers and Processors, Fines and Penalties, Important Points for Organizations & Employees among other areas.

Global Compliances Overview

Global compliance is of crucial importance to companies operating across borders. In this course, we explain what global compliance is, why it matters, brief overview of important global regulations and how you can manage global compliance.

Building An Effective Compliance Framework

The building an effective compliance framework course provides your brief description of compliance, benefits of a compliance framework, and steps to establish a compliance framework.


  • Do I need to go through the suggested courses before attempting the exams?

    No. You can attempt the exam directly, if you are confident. But it is recommended to review the included course material. There is no charge for the courses.

  • How are the exams held?

    Exams are held online with 50 questions to be answered in 60 minutes. Questions are MCQ style.

  • Can I see a sample of the certificate?

    See below link.

  • For whom is the certification suitable for?

    The certification is suitable for Entry to Mid management professionals who want to demonstrate their knowledge in Global Regulations.

  • What are the passing marks to get certified ?

    65% of the total possible marks is required to be certified. In case of an error in the question or answer choices, an adjustment will be made to the score so as to give credit for the question. These adjustments will be made at the discretion of the management.

  • How is the certificate provided?

    Certification is provided if the candidate secures the passing mark. The certificate is sent in soft copy (PDF) by email.

  • What is the validity of the Certification?

    This certification is valid for a period of 3 years. Candidates are expected to take this examination again after three years to update their knowledge.

Bundle includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle. You pay for the Certification exam only and the courses are otherwise free.